Why Now Is the Best Time to Buy Off-the-Plan in Brisbane and Queensland
Off-the-plan apartments Brisbane, Brisbane property investment opportunities, Brisbane real estate 2024, Buy off-the-plan Brisbane.
Invest in Brisbane property, Brisbane apartments for sale, Off-the-plan specialists Queensland, Brisbane property market trends, Last chance to buy Brisbane apartments, Queensland off-the-plan real estate.
This is YOUR Time Invest in Brisbane .... here's why
Are you considering investing, downsizing, or relocating in Brisbane? The property market here is changing fast, and timing is everything. As your trusted off-the-plan specialists at Developments Direct Group, we’re here to help you navigate these opportunities with confidence.
Understanding the Market Noise.
You are probably asking yourself, "why should I act now?. Shouldn't I wait until interest rates come down?"
Is the talk of a ‘housing shortage’ just another media hype?
It's a common question I hear: "Susana, when is it a good time to buy?" My default, joking answer is, "Yesterday," and oddly enough, tomorrow I'll say the same. Why?
Because the rate at which home prices increase often outpaces the average buyer's ability to save.
Here's the reality: over the past year on average (some areas signficantly higher), dwelling prices have risen by 5-7%
If you were eyeing an $850,000 apartment last year, today it would cost you around $900,000 or more. That's an extra $40,000+ on top of what you’ve already saved.
For a $1.5 million property, you'd now need an additional $75,000. Most buyers can't save fast enough to keep up with these changes.
The Market Dynamics
This shift often leads to disappointment. Buyers realise they can no longer afford what they once desired. Some search endlessly for properties and prices that are nearly extinct. Others may give up, hoping the market will pause for them - but it won't.
Hence many buyers need to adapt by changing location, size, or type of property to enter the market.
"But won't the market correct?" you might ask. "Prices can't keep going up forever, can they?"
Let’s rewind to March 2020, when COVID-19 hit. Many buyers waited for a crash that never came. Instead, prices kept climbing. For example two-bedroom apartments that sold for under $480,000 are now over $790,000 and three-bedrooms from $780,000 to $990,000 - $1M+.
In 2023, Queensland’s population grew by 141,400, with 87,900 from net overseas migration.
Yet, only 33,900 new dwellings were completed by March 2024, and the outlook remains bleak, with just 32,500 dwellings started and 32,900 approved for construction in the year to May 2024.
The Supply Shortage is REAL
Fast forward to 2024, we are now 40% down on the dwellings needed to keep up with demand.
This shortage isn't going away.
At the Urban Developer conference, in the "The Great Housing Debate - Innovative Solutions to solve Australia's Housing Crisis' industry leaders highlighted the implications of this crisis on housing affordability and the urgent need for creative solutions.
The Hard Facts and Figures
- Brisbane dwelling values: Increased by 71% since the pandemic began in March 2020.
- 2024 alone: An 18.8% increase in median apartment prices.
- Brisbane rents: Significant increases since the pandemic's start.
- Population growth: Brisbane's population expanded by 21% over the past decade.
- Housing shortfall: Expected to be 31,045 homes over the next three years according to Federal Budget projections.
- Construction lag: Queensland completed only 33,900 dwellings by March 2024.
- Population influx: Added 141,400 people in 2023, with 87,900 from net overseas migration.
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Investment Prospects
Looking ahead, Brisbane’s resilient housing market, bolstered by the state's thriving economy and the upcoming 2032 Olympics, now is the time to invest.
What Does This Mean for You?
Prices will not drop. The market won’t take a break. Those who take action now will benefit, while those who wait could miss out on significant opportunities.
Your Next Steps
If you're serious about investing in new and off-the-plan properties, speak to the experts.
At Developments Direct Group, we specialise in helping clients navigate this unique market.
We offer access to exclusive on- and off-market properties, often at non-market prices, creating built-in equity from day one!
Our inner circle members buy smart, save tens of thousands to millions, and position themselves ahead of the curve. Ask us how to join our Developer's Inner Circle to buy smart, and secure your future.
PS. Ask us about our Self Managed Super Fund Property Investment Services.